Archive | February, 2011

LEGEN…wait for it…DARY!

24 Feb

Mark it down in the history books…this day will forever be legendary! It will be celebrated by all for years to come. You will tell the tale of this day to your children and your children with will tell their children and their children will tell their children. The stories will live on long after we are gone. This day will no longer be a myth and just think…you will be able to say, “I was a witnesses to thisĀ  extraordinary event.”

Ok, technically, not TODAY but exactly one year from this very day is THE day.

February 24, 2012.

Rachel Beth Robbins and Michael Hurlburt Stevens are getting hitched!

This famed event will unfold at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in beautiful Punta Cana Dominican Republic on an enchanting beach surrounded by our incredible friends and family!

Yes, it will be LEGEN…wait for it…DARY